Baptisms are also known as christenings, especially when the person being baptised is an infant.
During a christening service your child will be annointed with water, which is poured gently over thier head by the priest. It’s the start of an amazing journey of faith for your child and a special day for all your friends and family.
Christening acts as a formal welcome into the Church and marks the beginning of the journey into faith. We are able to consider offering a Thanksgiving service instead, when we offer thanks to God for the gift of a child.
If you would like your child to be christened, please contact the Parish Office on 01923 822990 who will be happy to explain the next steps including making a provisional booking. Adults seeking baptism should also contact the Parish Office. You can download our Baptism application form here.
Children are sometimes christened during the 10am main service. Older candidates may also be christened directly before being confirmed.
You can find out more about christening and get lots of useful advice on the Church of England’s christening website – just click on the banner below.