Meet the Team

Revd Ann Lynes
Ann is from South London but has lived in Scotland and Northern Ireland as well as other parts of England. She has studied Applied Sport Sciences, Psychology and Theology and is committed to a wholistic Christian faith that nurtures our entire personhood.
Ann has worked as a climbing instructor and civil servant before ordination and became the vicar of Holy Trinity Northwood in 2017. She also the Dean of Women’s Ministry for the Willesden Area of the London Diocese.
Ann loves sport, nature, music and the arts and loves spending time in the countryside.
Licenced Lay Ministers (Readers)

Ann Kentfield
We have come to Holy Trinity ever since we moved to Northwood in 1971 – our two daughters were small then, and now we have four grandchildren. I have been a Reader here since 1992 (in the first eight of these years looking after Reader Training in our Area as well). As a 'cradle Christian' I've been part of a number of churches, and my Reader job took me to lots more different ones - I found good ways to God among them all. I do value both the breadth & the community of Holy Trinity.

Margaret Nicholson
I have worshipped at Holy Trinity for nearly 30 years. I have been a licensed Reader since 1990.

Gerry Edwardson
I am indeed a very fortunate person, married to Ali, with two children, Sophie and Owen, living in Northwood for 30 years and in full time paid employment as an engineering technician at Brunel University. In 2010 we decided to move from our previous church and worship, as a family, here in Holy Trinity. We found a warm and inclusive community that is open to God and we were made very welcome. In 2011, the church encouraged me to apply to train as a Licensed Lay Minister and they then faithfully supported me and prayed for me through three years of study. It was my great privilege to be licensed in July 2013. It is now my great privilege to serve in this wonderful church, where I have learnt, and continue to learn, so much about God and how He is working in the lives of His people.

Toby Partridge
I was born and brought up in Pinner and now live in Harefield with my wife, Petra and daughter, Larissa, so haven't strayed that far from home (except for stints at university in Cambridge and Sheffield, studying Molecular Biology). I was confirmed here at Holy Trinity in 2014 and started studying part-time as a Licensed Lay Minister at St Mellitus in Kensington in 2016. I was licensed in 2019 and am also an elected lay member of Harrow Deanery Synod and the Willesden Area Council.
Youth Worker
Organist & Choir Director
Richard Bates

Richard has previously served at Holy Trinity as Director of Music and also as organist at St Magnus-the-Martyr, City of London. He He is a professional conductor, musical director and accompanist, and has worked on over 60 musicals; in the West End, on UK tour and in studio theatre. He also teaches at London's top drama schools. His organ training was with Dr Christopher Tolley at Winchester College. He has worked with some top uk professional and amateur choirs as a composer, including The Platinum Consort (for whom he was Composer in Residence 2005-15), The Exon Singers and Thomas' Choral Society in Battersea. He has also written a number of stage works and is currently composing and conducting the music for a series of musical audiobook pieces with Evcol Entertainment. He has also appeared on BBC Radio 3 discussing writing, performing and working with singers. Richard holds the MA in music from Cambridge University and the AMusTCL diploma in music.