Charities we Support
"It is not the church of God that has a mission in the world, but the God of mission who has a church in the world."
- Tim Dearborn
God's mission in the world includes communicating the good news of Jesus. SOLAS is an organisation which helps to equip Christians to do just that. Click here to find links to their useful webinars.
At Holy Trinity we also participate in God's mission by prayer, giving and fundraising activities. These include supporting the organisations below: click on each icon to find out more!

Some of the Charities supported by Holy Trinity
- Watford New Hope Trust
Amos Trust
Mission to Seafarers
Christian Aid
Northwood Live at Home Scheme
Lynda Jackson Macmillan Centre Moor Park 10K run
Teenage Cancer Trust
Paul Strickland Scanner Centre at Mount Vernon
Michael Sobell House
Stars at Watford Peace Hospice
The Templeton Trust Alzheimer’s charity
Mengo Hospital, Uganda
Friends of the Diocese of Brasilia
Impact Foundation
Myosotis Trust
Mission Aviation Fellowship