About Us
We are aiming by God's strength to be a welcoming community of Christ inspired by three values:
Openness to God
Inclusiveness of all
- Serving one another
We are consciously attempting to be open to God the Holy Spirit's leading in all we do. We are aware that there may be many needs both in our community and in our church family and we need to discern what these are and how to meet them through our shared life.
We value inclusiveness of all ages and backgrounds. We do not wish to emphasise any one age or group in the church at the expense of another, but are seeking to be a community in which all feel valued and to which all feel comfortable to belong. We believe that all ages need to be involved in the body of Christ for it to be strong.
We place the value of servanthood very highly. As we serve one another sacrificially we believe that God will show us our true gifts and use them to deepen our common life. Hence we share responsibility for growing his kingdom as widely as possible, and are delighted that many people of all ages are involved in our church life.
We proclaim our mission every time we worship in the words of our Parish Prayer:
Holy Trinity, in whose name we worship,
give us such love, that
alone and together, today and every day,
we may reverence the Father,
radiate the presence of the Son,
and live in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen
We welcome you.