Vicar's news

Vicar's news

Vicar's news

# News

Vicar's news

Dear friends,

After the excitement of our APCM last Sunday (thank you to everyone involved, I think it went really well) I am on a silent retreat this weekend. I will be back on Sunday afternoon but I am writing to share two important bits of news with you:

The first is I have been granted a period of Study leave, which I am going to take from mid-May to mid-August. While I am gone Rosie and Tony will be sharing responsibility for covering the services and activities of this parish, together with the Wardens and Ministry Team. I am sure they will do a wonderful job!

The second thing is that Rosie and Tony will be moving on towards the end of the summer too. Tony is starting a new, full-time chaplaincy role at Aldenham school in September, while Rosie looks set to become the assistant priest of a central London Church (her role isn’t quite finalised yet, but it looks like Rosie will start there at the end of June). Huge congratulations to them both!

Of course we want to give them a proper send off… and so we have set a date for this: It’s Sunday 3 September 2023 – with a celebration service and a parish lunch afterwards – make sure it is in your diaries!

I am around for a couple more weeks before I leave, so God willing, you will see me next Sunday!

Every blessing, 

Reverend Ann

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  Holy Trinity Northwood   ·   Rickmansworth Road, Northwood HA6 2RP       01923 822990

Registered Charity No.  1131724